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Tag Archives: treats

Happy Blogiversary!

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That’s right-today is my one year mark of blogging. Honestly, I am a little surprised with myself. I tend to get excited about a project, work really hard, then give up or get distracted by a new fun project. I think blogging has one big difference than most DIY though.  The readers. Over the last year seeing my readership numbers continue to grow, seeing everyone clicking on my pictures and movies, and knowing that there are people out there who like reading about my dogs has kept me going. So, thanks for sticking with us! I hope y’all enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy reading yours.

I will say the original goal of this blog has not been met. I started writing about the girls in an effort to stop talking about them so much in my everyday life. Instead, I found even more people who love to talk about and listen about dogs.  I’ve learned I’m not the only dog crazy person out there. I’m not the only one who loves collars and taking their dogs to any activity possible and whose cars are filled with dried dog slobber.

So, inspired by my love of Lord of the Rings, I’m going to take a page from our friends the dear Hobbits, and give gifts to others for my Blogiversary. That’s correct, my very FIRST giveaway! I told you that you’d want to read today!! Everyone loves free stuff!

So, I sat down earlier this week and asked the girls what they wanted to send someone. They asked whether one of our small dog friends or big dog friends would be getting the gift. *enter stumped Lady in Waiting*  So…there are TWO giveaways!  One with a toy for a small dog, one with a toy for a large dog.

So, I asked the girls what they wanted to include in the gift.  Daisy wanted to give one of her favorite toys. It’s a Kong brand tug toy. It has everything! The ropes are connected inside the toy and act as the stuffing and there is a squeaker. Bella wanted to send hot dogs. I tried explaining that hot dogs wouldn’t last in the mail. To which, she huffed and said that she still wanted to send hot dogs. I found these great dried sausages and explained they are sort of like hot dogs and she was satisfied. My choice for a gift is Zukes treats. I chose the regular ones (as opposed to the minis) because they are good size to be given “just because” and if you need a smaller training treat-they are easy to break apart. Sorry for the not so good pictures. I had other stuff planned but with the Iphone-this is what y’all are getting!

Large Dog Gift


Small Dog Gift


I’m going to make the rules easy:

1. Comment to THIS post between 8 am EST August 20, 2011 through 11:59 PM EST August 21, 2011. That right-just a weekend to win. Tell me if you are entering for the small dog gift or the large dog gift. Only one entry per family.

2. Sorry, but no one related to me or the girls is eligible.

3. I’ll use to pick a winner Monday then email you for your contact information so make sure its a working email!

We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog….

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because our dog treat prize from Something Wagging This Way Comes just arrived!!  Personally, this is an exciting day because 1. The Lady in Waiting loves getting mail and 2. it is the first prize we have won through blogging!

Of course, Daisy was all over wanting to open up the box. Bella just wanted out of there!  My two opposite girls.  The good thing is Bella takes treats veeeeery slowly so I can get a picture of her enjoying them! Not possible with Daisy. Both of the girls really liked the treats and I love that they are wheat free!  I just hope the girls don’t start expecting all the mail to taste this good.

Oh! Is this box for me?

Not too sure about this box.




















Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!

Um, I really don't like that box!



















Daisy is very excited about FOOD! Bella is trying to run away.







Open them please!!




Yummy Berry!

Letters to Santa..

Hey Santa,

Sorry I didn’t write yesterday, I was a little busy guarding the balcony from the squirrels.  Then I had to take a couple naps.  I’m really a great coonhound!  I bay at the squirrels and try to chase the cats; I can reach my own treats in the table when I want them…oh wait, um..  I’m sorry!  I really do try to be a good girl!  It’s my nose! It’s a curse I tell you!  I was trying to play with the squirrels, yeah, that’s it!  And I was just making sure Mom’s bike was working-that’s why I chewed on her pedal!

So, I guess I won’t be getting anything from you Santa.  I don’t think it’s fair we have to be good all year!  I can be good for like 10 whole minutes; shouldn’t that count?!?  If I could make a list I’d put treats, and squeaky toys, and treats, and squeaky toys, and maybe something fun to put my food in, and treats….wait, I think I said that one already.

Please forgive me Santa,

Your delightfully playful Coonhound Daisy



A quick note from Mom:

Santa, both of the girls have been very good this year. Bella has grown up so much and I am so proud.  Daisy might get into things a bit, but she keeps me laughing and that is good enough for me!  I hope you remember them on your trip this year.

Wordless Wednesday

I’m testing out posting from my phone today. The girls like their snacks.